Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Tower of Babel and a Chapel Reward

 In Religion class, we studied the Tower of Babel.
Students tried to build a tower out of playing cards.
No one was allowed to talk.
It was impossible to complete the tower when everyone spoke in a different language.

 Now it's time for a Chapel Reward!
Bubble gum blowing contest!

 Guess who won?
Mrs.Weiss, of course!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Church Fellowship

Come to church!  You don't want to miss this Christian fellowship!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Math Lesson - Place Value

This was a fun lesson!
Students practiced reading and writing large numbers correctly.
The 4th grade students now know the place-value columns, including the millions column.
Why are some students kneeling?
Those are the commas, of course!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Joy in the 4th Grade Classroom

Do you recognize these hands?   4th Graders are united in making this the best year ever!
Now there are some happy faces!